You may have heard back in March of this year that giant media firms in the UK got together to boycott ad placements on Google’s Display and Youtube networks causing advertisers around the world to wonder about the effectiveness of their own Google display campaigns. The concern of these media buying agencies is that their clients’ ads are too often published next to inappropriate content. These agencies argue that Google’s automated systems are not doing enough to guarantee the proper … [Read more...]
The winner of the RIO 2016 Summer Olympics is ____!
P&G’s latest installment in its Thank You, Mom series: Rio 2016, kills it! If you are one of the 17,909,453 persons who have already viewed the YouTube commercial you know what I mean. If you haven’t seen it, you are missing out on storytelling genius. The first time I saw the commercial I was washing the breakfast dishes as my wife was setting up her yoga class on YouTube. The volume was muted but even without sound the storytelling through the video images brought tears to my eyes. The … [Read more...]