P&G’s latest installment in its Thank You, Mom series: Rio 2016, kills it! If you are one of the 17,909,453 persons who have already viewed the YouTube commercial you know what I mean. If you haven’t seen it, you are missing out on storytelling genius.
The first time I saw the commercial I was washing the breakfast dishes as my wife was setting up her yoga class on YouTube. The volume was muted but even without sound the storytelling through the video images brought tears to my eyes. The mothers’ love & support for their children, through their journey to realize the dream of competing in Rio, is the bedrock for an emotionally charged commercial and it works. This was early May and P&G is still stamped in my memory.
Many brands will go all-out this summer vying to capture our attention. These brand captains capitalize on long format YouTube video advertising and no doubt will serve up many great commercial moments. Viewers will give two-minutes of their busy lives to watch and share well-crafted and targeted commercials that touch them in some way. That is a big win for brands!
So, take a few moments and watch the 2:06 minute version of the ad, but the first time without any sound. Let me know if you got the same feeling as I still do.
I declare Thank You, Mom – Strong: Rio 2016 winner of the Best Commercials of the 2016 Olympics!
Congratulations P&G!